Clash of Clans Gameplay Tips for the Beginners


So, you have recently downloaded this amazing game and now you want to learn how to play it. Things are not too complicated here because it is a mobile strategy game that provides a huge entertainment throughout the day and night. You may have learned that Gems, Gold, and Elixirs play a vital role in the gameplay. You cannot compete well without these premium resources. There are a few tips that you can follow to play better and loot as many villages as you want. The clash of clans hack will make things very simple, but before that you should learn some gameplay strategies for this game.



Create a great village layout:


The first and the most important thing you need is a great design for the village. It plays a vital role when you plan to acquire the trophies. You can get trophies only by attacking other players’ villages or by successfully defending your village during the attack. Keep things a bit complex to confuse the attackers. Safeguard your village by building durable walls around the village. It will give you more time to plan the defense strategies and exterminate the enemy troops.


Never break your shield:


The new players may not know it that they can set a shield for the certain period to safeguard their villages. You should never break it because it will be very risky. Any player can attack your village while the shield is off and loot your resources. Use the Clash of Clans hack to generate more gems and keep the shield active 24-7.


Keep upgrading your mines and collectors:


What most of the players do is ride different villages and attacking those villages to loot more gold coins, elixirs, and other resources. It is a dangerous way of enhancing premium resources because the defender can cause your troops a huge damage. You can collect coins and free elixirs from dark elixir drills, gold mines, and elixir pumps. All of these things can be available at different levels.  You should try them to have more enjoyment in the game.


Keep upgrading your troops:


Whether you want to attack different villages or simply defend your village during the attack, the troops play an important role. You should always upgrade your troops to improve their power. It will allow you to have a powerful army that can destroy any village and any attack. Of course, you will have to spend some gems for upgrading your troops, but do not worry about the gems. You can generate any amount of gems and other resources through Clash of Clans hack.


Now you might be thinking that there is a risk of getting banned if I use the Clash of Clans hack. You should not worry about it because thousands of other users are also using the hack tool. None of them have ever gone through any trouble. All you need is a safe and effective hack tool. Get it online, generate free gems, gold, and elixirs, and then enjoy the game.